The Return Of The Rai!!

Rai Music is Back.


Rai is the name of the popular music from Tunisia, Algeria, and their neighbors, starting approximately the 1980s. Henry Koehler has a video to watch, to learn about the world of Rai Music, on his youtube channel , it’s at .

Note that Rai music is also written and performed in Spain and Portugal. On this show for example, there is a song by Alabina, sung in duet with the Gypsy Kings. (See also my Spanish & Latin American Guitar podcast here  So, this is Rai from those countries, the North African countries, and Moorish Spain.

Of these songs, N’Sel Fik will be most familiar to you, since it was played here in the U.S. and was “on the charts” for a few weeks in the 1980s. It was from that song, that I learned of Rai Music, in about 1986.

BTW Rai music is some excellent dance music, and music for lovemaking.


1. Baida, 4:00.
2. N’Sel Fik, 7:05.
3. Dji Mak, 4:49.
4. Eh Wallah, 4:41.
5. Maazour, 4:16.
6. Habibi Ya Nour Elein, 4:03
7. Nhebek, 4:28.
8. Dedicasse El l Khob, 7:46.
9. Arpca Dansöz, 3:23.
10. Baladna, 6:53.
11. Gualbak k’ssah, 5:15.
12. Baida #2, 4:04.
13. Laisse Les Parler, 3:39.
14. Desert Rose (Calderone mix), 4:47.
15. Achkak Fi Galbi, 5:38.
16. Ililagh Tenere, 5:01.

Total Time, 1:17:40.

